4.21.2022 ACTION ALERT: Calls Needed to Resist Urge to Water Down Cattle Market Reforms

Congress: Vote 'Yes' on S. 949, the 50/14 Spot Market Protection Bill

The new 50/14 bill (S.949) requires beef packers with more than 1 plant to purchase at least 50% of their cattle in the competitive cash market each week for each plant and requires those cattle to be harvested within 14 days of purchase.

Quicker than anything else we can do, this bill will help stop our industry’s downward trajectory by restoring our industry’s lost competitive markets for cattle.

ACTION STEP 1: Everyone must call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121, ask for your U.S. Senators and Representative by name and tell them to cosponsor Senate Bill 949 Senators Grassley and Tester’s 50/14 Spot Market Protection Bill. If your member of Congress says that they are already a cosponsor, thank them and reaffirm your support. 

ACTION STEP 2: Ask your neighbors, your breed associations, AI associations, marketing associations, local feed store, equipment dealer, veterinarian, banker and others who depend on your business to get involved and make calls. 

ACTION STEP 3: Congressional offices all follow Letters to the Editors in their newspapers. Write your own Letter to the Editor to newspapers in your state and include your Congressional Representatives’ names. Below are some examples.

2.11.22 Nelson: American Cattle producers are offered hollow victory; needing solid solution | TSLN.com

3.10.22 Op-ed: Beef Packers and Allies Urge Congress to Do Nothing in Face of Broken Cattle Markets

4.1.22 Meyer: THANKS Sen. Rounds; NO THANKS Compromise Bill | TSLN.com 

4.13.2022 Kenzy: ‘The Best We Can Get’ not good enough | TSLN.com

4.18.2022 Critique of the Cattle Price Discovery and Transparency Act | Gilles Stockton | No-Bull Food News


Sens. Grassley (R-IA) and Tester’s (D-MT) S.949 bill (50/14) complies with our Constitution’s separation of powers – it is Congress that is supposed to make laws. The Fischer/Wyden S.543 bill and Sens. Grassley/Fischer’s compromise bill S.3229 delegates that authority to USDA, an agency that has resisted any meaningful market reforms for decades.

Comparison of Senate Bills as they Relate to Thin Cash Market updated 4/13/2022

Why a 50% National Negotiated Cash Volume Is Needed and Why
That Volume Should Not Vary Region by Region Prepared 8/9/2021

Updated Spot Market Bill Fact Sheet updated 10/11/2021

Response to Opponents of 50/14 Cattle Market Protection Bill updated 10/21/2021

Share the Resolution to Support S.949 (available here) with your state legislator or Tribal Council and ask them to introduce in your 2022 state legislative session.

So far, the South Dakota State Legislature has passed a Resolution to Support the 50/14 bill (later numbered S.949).